Seeking new members of the EOU Council
An invitation to all dynamic and hard-working ornithologists of Europe!
Are you willing to serve on the EOU Council for the period 2017-2021?
We are seeking four new members of Council, and a new President Elect, to be elected at the General Meeting this year. Could you be one of them?
Even if you do not wish to serve as a member of the Council yourself, please think about other people who would be suitable candidates and encourage them to submit their names.
The role of the Council is to manage EOU business and development. Council meetings are held at the biennial conferences of the EOU and occasionally at other conferences that are being attended by significant number of Council members. In between meetings, business is conducted by e-mail. Council members are expected to attend the meetings and to participate in e-mail discussions. The President-Elect shall fill the function of the President if the President is unable to act. The President-Elect shall succeed to the position of the President if the President is no longer able to fill his/her position.
Note that the EOU statutes state that no more than two Council members and one officer should be from the same country.
People retiring from Council at the General Meeting this year come from Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland.
The ordinary members of Council who will be continuing in office this year are:
Tamer Albayrak; Turkey
Elena Arriero; Spain
Andrey Bushuev; Russia
Jan Engler; Germany
Arne Hegemann; Sweden
Marko Mägi; Estonia
Peter Laszlo Pap; Romania
James Reynolds; UK
Madeleine Scriba; Switzerland
Judy Shamoun-Baranes; The Netherlands
Matthias Weissensteiner; Austria
Tomasz Wesołowski (Poland) will retire, Barbara Helm (UK) will become Past President and Jan-Åke Nilsson (Sweden) will become President. Susi Jenni (Switzerland) will continue as Secretary and Oli Konz (Germany) will continue as Treasurer. We have to choose a new President Elect.
If you are willing to serve as a member of the Council, please e-mail Tomasz Wesołowski before 14 July, with a brief CV and a brief statement of why you want to help the EOU. Please name three other ornithologists who are prepared to support your nomination. Please put “EOU COUNCIL NOMINATION” as the subject of the e-mail: otherwise, it may be lost. If you have any questions, please send then to Tomasz at the same address, with the subject “EOU Nominations – QUESTION”.
Tomasz is the chairman of the committee that is responsible for nominating a list of candidates to the General Meeting of the EOU that will take place on 18-22 August at the EOU conference in Turku. The list of nominated candidates will be decided by the end of July.
In order to provide continuity, all those who are put forward by the nominating committee will be invited to attend the Council meeting on Friday 18 August, before the start the start of the Turku conference. Although these who are elected to the Council at the General Meeting will be expected to attend the meeting of Council, immediately after the General Meeting.
Tomasz Wesołowski, Past President of the EOU
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