We are happy to announce that the next Fledglings Meeting will be in Prague, Czech Republic between 22-24 March 2024. This meeting is specifically aimed at Early-Career Researchers (ECRs, i.e. PhD students and those within 5 years of finishing their PhD) and has the goal to foster links between ECRs and give them support in pursuing their research careers. We warmly encourage all ECRs to participate and present their fascinating results in this friendly environment.

For further information, you can contact the local organizers (Vojtěch Brlík, Javier Oñate Casado, Ondřej Belfín, and Jakub Hrouda) at the following email address: eoufledglingmeeting@gmail.com

OR stay tuned to the conference X (formally Twitter) page: @FM_EOU_2024

If you are interested, you can pre-register at the following link so you can receive updates directly to your mailbox: https://bit.ly/EOU-2024-maillist