Postdoctoral position on “Mechanisms and cascading consequences of malaria infections in migratory birds”

We are seeking a highly motivated PostDoc to join our research team at the Swiss Ornithological Institute in Sempach, Switzerland in a Swiss National Science Foundation funded project on “Host-parasite interactions on the move – mechanisms and cascading consequences of malaria infections in migratory birds”.
The postdoc shall identify mechanistic links between physiological, behavioural and fitness consequences of malaria infections and their implications for the parasites’ spread and dynamics using a suite of behaviour-based migration- and network models.   The candidate should have a PhD in ecology, epidemiology or environmental sciences, strong background in host-parasite interactions, migration ecology or related fields, experience in developing and analysing ecological and/or epidemiological models, proficiency in a programming language, preferably in R and C++, strong interest in infectious diseases and their dynamics in wild populations and excellent communication skills. The position is initially for one year with the possibility of extension for another year and with an intended starting date in early 2017. Salary is in accordance to the regulations of the Swiss National Science Foundation ( and to salary scale of the Swiss Ornithological Institute.
An application should include: A brief letter of application that outlines the motivation for this position and the candidate’s experience relevant to the position, a curriculum vitae including a publication list and names and contact information of two academic references.

For further information, see or contact Silke Bauer ( Applications should be submitted as one pdf-file to Barbara Friedli ( before 14 October 2016. Interviews will tentatively take place in early November 2016.