3-year PhD position at Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany

Starting 1 July 2022, Application deadline: 26 April 2022

SUMMARY: Over a third of the world population of Southern rockhopper penguin Eudyptes chrysocome (IUCN category vulnerable) breed in the Falkland Islands, where the local populations decline. Our previous studies (2006-2011) here have pointed out reduced survival probabilities and lighter eggs under warmer environmental conditions. In this project, we aim to understand better what makes Southern rockhopper penguins particularly sensitive to warming ocean conditions. We will apply newly available technology, such as small GPS-acceleration data loggers to study energy use for foraging movements, and compound-specific stable isotope analyses and metabarcoding of fecal samples to study the diet during different stages of the breeding cycle.

To apply, you must have a completed MSc in the field of biology, be physically and mentally fit for long field seasons under remote conditions and have very good English skills. The perfect candidate would further have the following qualifications:

– Relevant experience in laboratory and field methods (e.g. molecular genetics incl. next generation sequencing methods, ecological field work, bird handling experience)

– Advanced statistical and computing skills (especially R applications and programming, spatial analyses in R or GIS programs)

– Relevant internship and international experience

– Publication experience

The position is funded by a DFG (the central research funding organisation in Germany) research grant to Prof. Petra Quillfeldt. The position is a PhD opportunity. Applications from postdocs are not excluded, but the salary is at PhD student level (i.e. 50% TV-H13). For further questions, please contact Petra.Quillfeldt@bio.uni-giessen.de.

To apply, send your CV and list of publications, motivation letter, and contact details of your former supervisors via this link: https://www.uni-giessen.de/karriere/stellenangebote/bewerbung and the reference number: 224/08.