NWT SocialMedia

You are a young ornithologist and want to meet peers of your age from across Europe to learn about their projects, present your own, and connect with them in a relaxed surrounding? Then you might be interested in the upcoming 1st joint meeting of young ornithologists organized by the German Ornithological Society and the EOU and held by invitation of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna, Austria.

The fledgelings meeting will be from 4th to the 6th of November 2016 and is limited to 25 participants. We are also pleased to announce that we can offer a limited amount of funds to support travel and accommodation. Next to connect you with the next generation of ornithologist we give you the opportunity to get in touch with established researchers that will present their work and will give feedback of your presentations together with advices for being a successful ornithologist.

To get the most out of the meeting and making you eligible for travel funds, we strongly encourage the presentation of your work in a 20 minutes talk. For more information about the meeting, and further details on abstract preparation and travel funds please check the attached document: youngornithologistsnwt-flyer

For registration (together with an abstract) and/or questions please contact Swen Renner (swen.renner@boku.ac.at)