13th EOU Conference 2022

Giessen, Germany March 14 – 18, 2022

Abstract submission open


Abstract submission is open from 1 May until 31 July 2021. Late submissions will be accepted for posters only.

All abstracts (including invited speakers) have to be submitted at the following link:

 You will be asked to create a new account with Oxford Abstract Systems, or log in with an existing account from other conferences.

You can choose to submit an abstract for a symposium talk, an oral session, or a poster. Symposia are organized on a given theme with a number of invited speakers, and one or two free slots for which you can apply. Symposia can be viewed on the conference website

Abstracts that are not accepted for a symposium will automatically be considered for an oral session. Oral sessions are the main sessions for contributed talks. They will be organized by general topics (e.g. Migration, Community Ecology…). Both types of presentation will be a maximum of 15 minutes’ duration, including time for questions and change of speaker. Abstracts that are not accepted for a symposium or oral session will automatically be considered for posters, unless indicated otherwise at the time of abstract submission. Note that each participant can only give one talk at the conference (but they can be a co-author on more than one).

Once oral sessions and posters are allocated, we will contact poster presenters and offer them the opportunity to apply for a brief poster pitch presentation. Further details will be given at a later stage.

Also note that speakers in symposia or oral sessions have to register for the conference by the deadline for early bird registration (31/10/2021) in order to secure their timeslot. Acceptance will be rescinded for those presenters who have not registered by that date. The conference registration is open from July 2021 onwards. Please save the confirmation of your abstract submission, because your abstract submission number will be required when registering for the conference.

When submitting the abstract, you can include a brief text to be used on twitter. The organization will automatically send out these tweets just before presentations start (orals, symposia and plenaries only).

The official social media sites of the conference are on Facebook ( and Twitter (@eou2022giessen). By subscribing to one of these sites you can get updates about deadlines and news.

Enquiries regarding abstract submission and the scientific programme can be addressed to the chair of the Scientific Programme Committee, Dan Chamberlain, by email at