Both posts are funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council, on a project that aims to understand demographic variation and population dynamics arising in partially-migratory systems.

  1. Quantitative ecologist (24 months), to undertake statistical analyses of a large-scale multi-year ring-resighting dataset on European shags.–324208.html

  1. Theoretical ecologist (21 months), to build and analyse models that link environmental variation and demographic variation to the spatio-temporal dynamics of partially-migratory systems.–324190.html

Both researchers will be based at the University of Aberdeen, UK. They will work closely with Professor Jane Reid and Professor Justin Travis and Dr Greta Bocedi in Aberdeen, and with Dr Francis Daunt, Dr Sarah Burthe and Professor Sarah Wanless at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Edinburgh.

The closing date for both posts is September 28th 2017. Informal enquiries are very welcome (