Welcome to Falsterbo Bird Show 1st – 3rd September 2023
Positioned directly under the flightpath of more than 1,000,000 migrating birds, Falsterbo Bird Show is an annual event, perfectly located on Skanör’s Heath. The Falsterbo Peninsula lies at the southwesternmost point of Sweden, which makes it the ideal place for birds to congregate before migrating over Falsterbo to mainland Europe. It is particularly well known as a place where raptors take advantage of the thermals that will carry them south. The open sightlines from the Heath allow plenty of time to locate and identify the approaching birds.
Arranged by BirdLife Sweden, in partnership with Vellinge Municipality and the Scanian Ornithological Society, the event is a prime venue for optical specialists to display their products “in the field”.
During the main show (Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd September) there is a programme of guest lectures and discussions attracting experts in ornithology and other disciplines.
Sponsors of the event include Kite Optics, Leica, Pinewood, Swarovski and ZEISS. Exhibitors include optical specialists, Scandinavia’s largest retailer of Nature books, local ornithological and nature conservancy associations, companies specialising in Nature travel and guiding (from Sweden and the rest of the world), and local artisans exhibiting handicrafts.
Visit the website https://en.falsterbobirdshow.com/programme/ for more information regarding the excursions, events and lectures that are planned. Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Falsterbobirdshow and Instagram.
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