EOU News
EOU – Candidates for Council 2023
EOU – Minutes of the General Meeting, 15th March 2022 (online)
PhD Available: Mobilizing tracking data to support the conservation of birds. Based in Montpellier, fieldwork in Portugal
Post-doc available – developing high-resolution, spatially explicit models for wildlife at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Migratory Landbird Study Group (MLSG) symposium, EOU 2023 Lund – programme now available
Post-doc in Animal Migration Ecology, University of South Bohemia
Member Forum – Announcements
Special issue Phil Trans: Moving in a moving medium: new perspectives on flight
Royal Society Publishing has recently published a special issue of Philosophical Transactions B entitled Moving in a moving medium: new perspectives on flight compiled and edited by Stephen J Portugal and Emily LC Shepard. This content can be accessed at...
European-wide meeting of Young Ornithologists
From 4-6th of November 2016, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences staged the first Fledgelings meeting in Vienna, Austria. Together and with financial aid by the German Ornithological Society (www.do-g.de) and the North Rhine Westphalian...
Postoc position – modelling population dynamics
We are looking for a Postdoc modelling population dynamics using data from a long-term population study with detailed demographic information for a migrant bird. The Post-Doc will be able to develop an own research agenda in collaboration with the research group. The...
Postdoc position – consequences of malaria infections in migratory birds – Sempa
Postdoctoral position on “Mechanisms and cascading consequences of malaria infections in migratory birds” We are seeking a highly motivated PostDoc to join our research team at the Swiss Ornithological Institute in Sempach, Switzerland in a Swiss National Science...
Birds of the Cape Verde Islands (in press).
This book compiles all available information since 1800 to 2016. The status of the entire avifauna of this archipelago is updated at the island and islet level, covering the residents, winter migrants, seasonal visitors and vagrants. Each resident species is covered...
post-doctoral positions available: Cornell Lab of Ornithology
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites applications for our Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowships. These competitive postdoctoral fellowship awards (http://www.birds.cornell.edu/postdoc) support innovative, independent research by early career scholars of...
Information wanted on a “rare” bird pathology, “oral fistula”
Message from Jim Reynolds, of the Centre for Ornithology in Birmingham, UK, who seeks assistance to study a possibly spreading avian pathology: I am starting a research project and call upon the world’s ornithologists to send me records about a rather ‘rare’ condition...
Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio samples
My name is Liviu Parau. I am a 1st year PhD student (and bird ringer) at Heidelberg University in Germany and I study population genetics of the Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio. During my PhD project I will analyze population structure and phylogeography of the...
Assistant Professor in Wildlife Ecology and Management
http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Jobs/Vacancies/Show/Assistant-Professor-in-Wildlife-Ecology-and-Management.htm The Resource Ecology Group of Wageningen University invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor in Wildlife Ecology & Management. As part...
History of ornithology in Malta
History of Ornithology in Malta by Joe Sultana & John J. Borg Hardback- 390 pages – several photographs – 13 chapters – 3 appendices – annotated and illustrated bibliography – index of birds – index of people. This book traces all written references to bird...
Ph.D. position in Prague – Ecological specialization in birds
Institute for Environmental Studies (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic) offers a Ph.D. position focused on ecological specialization in birds. See the attachment for more details.
Dear Colleague, If you are interested in the birds of the Canary Islands, here is the link of my recently published handbook with 924 pages, 431 pictures, in the hand ID to all passerines and 202 detail distribution maps:...
Research Scientist Spatial statistical modelling of bird distributions in Europe
The Swiss Ornithological Institute is looking for a research scientist to collaborate in the two EBCC projects European Breeding Bird Atlas EBBA2 and EuroBirdPortal
5th International Eurasian Ornithology Congress, 10-13 May 2016, Çanakkale/TURKE
The 5th International Eurasian Ornithology Congress will be held in Canakkale located in ancient Troy and center of the Eurasia, Turkey, between 10 and 13 May 2016. Online registration/abstract delivery for the congress is open...
International Ornithological Congress – Vancouver
The 27th International Ornithological Congress will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from 19 – 26 August 2018 conference web site: http://www.iocongress2018.com/ The Call for Symposia Proposals is already open NOW:...