EOU News
Post-doc Position, Antwerp: Linking long-term bird population datasets with environmental data
Postdoc position: Linking long-term bird population datasets with environmental data The University of Antwerp is looking for a postdoctoral researcher skilled in the analysis and management of large datasets, preferably (but not necessarily) having experience with...
Open PhD position on the evolution of migration & biogeography of birds in Debrecen, Hungary (deadline 29/10/2023)
Urban birds eating insects on cars – A call for observations
Urban birds eating insects on cars – A call for observations Urbanization causes insect declines, an import food source for birds especially during the breeding season. Some species can...
EOU General Meeting Agenda, 17:00, August 25th 2023, Lund
EOU – Candidates for Council 2023
EOU – Minutes of the General Meeting, 15th March 2022 (online)
Member Forum – Announcements
Postdoc on songbird migration in Bangor, UK
POSTDOCTORAL OPPORTUNITY AT BANGOR UNIVERSITY Applications are invited for the above 3 year fixed-term, full-time post working in the School of Biological Sciences. We are seeking a dynamic researcher to fulfil a leading role on a BBSRC funded project that will...
Postdoc on blue tit phenology in Edinburgh, Scotland
Albert Phillimore is looking for a postdoc for his work on blue tits along a multi-site transect in Scotland: A three-year postdoctoral research position is available in a NERC funded project studying the relationship between temperature and optimal breeding phenology...
Two postdoctoral research posts available
Both posts are funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council, on a project that aims to understand demographic variation and population dynamics arising in partially-migratory systems. Quantitative ecologist (24 months), to undertake statistical analyses of a...
New: Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity
Dear friends and colleagues, I am forwarding this announcement and invitation on behalf of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity. The JWB is a new journal covering several aspects of wildlife and biodiversity research. We are now looking for...
PhD vacancy
The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) based in Wageningen is looking for a PhD-candidate for research on the ecology of goose migration to the Arctic: https://nioo.knaw.nl/en/vacatures/phd-arctic-migration-ecology.
Job announcement: Coordinator of the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme
The Czech Society for Ornithology/EBCC is looking for a Coordinator of the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme. A candidate will be responsible for producing European common bird trends and indicators. Applications should be sent before 3 September 2017. For...
post-doc positions available: Cornell Lab of Ornithology
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites applications for our Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowships. These competitive postdoctoral fellowship awards (www.birds.cornell.edu/postdoc) support innovative, independent research by early career scholars of exceptional...
PhD-candidate vacancy
The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) based in Wageningen is looking for a PhD-candidate for research on behavioural and physiological mechanisms mediating the costs and benefits of migration: https://nioo.knaw.nl/en/vacatures/phd-student-animal-migration.
Animal Movement Analysis summer course
The Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) is pleased to announce our Animal Movement Analysis summer course which will be held at the University of Amsterdam from 2-7 July 2017. We will be running the course together with the research school...
PhD positions available
The Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics has an opening for two PhD positions in movement ecology Closing date is 15 March 2017. More information can be found here:...
Postdoc and MSc vacancies at UCC
Postdoc and a research Masters positions on the new SHINE project on Hen Harrier ecology and conservation at UCC are available. For further details please have a look at https://www.ucc.ie/en/forestecology/research/shine/ and the attachments. OrnithologyPostDocadvert...
WANTED: data on flock size of migrant birds departing from stopover sites
Andrew Berdahl, a postdoc at the Santa Fe Institute (USA), works on social animal behaviour, particularly in the context on migration. He is working with a physicist to make a more general version of a migration timing model that he originally developed for fish...
Migrant Landbird Study Group pre-conference meetings
We would like to announce that we will host a 2 day meeting organised by the Migrant Landbird Study Group in the 2 days prior to the EOU 2017 conference in Turku, Finland. Hence, this meeting will seamlessly join into the EOU start. Registration to this pre-conference...
Partnership with International Ornithological Congress 2018 (Canada)
We are happy to announce that the EOU has become an official associate of the upcoming 7th International Ornithological Congress 2018, This will be the largest international bird event in history and will take place in Vancouver, Canada, from 19-26 August, 2018. The...
Eurasian Ornithology Congress, 23-27 April 2018, Heidelberg, Germany
The 6th International Eurasian Ornithology Congress (6th IEOC) will be held between 23 and 27 April 2018 in the University of Heidelberg, the oldest university of Germany (founded 1386). Heidelberg is lovely town with a famous old city and castle. We will be delighted...