Andras Liker
Institution or affiliation:
MTA-PE Evolutionary Ecology Research Group, Department of Limnology, University of Pannonia
Veszprém, Hungary
Profile information
I am interested in the evolutionary ecology and behaviour of birds. One line of my research focuses on the consequences of habitat urbanization on bird populations. I investigate how basic ecological conditions, like food availability, predation, microclimate are altered in urban habitats. I also study how birds respond to such changes, for example by altering their life histories and behaviour. Currently my research group investigates these questions in great tit populations in urban and forest sites around Veszprém. My other research topic is the diversity and evolution of avian breeding systems. Currently I study what factors influence adult sex ratios in birds, which is an important demographic component of the social environment. I also study how, in turn, sex ratio variation is related to reproductive sex roles like parental care and competition for mates. I study these questions by phylogenetic comparative methods using data from a broad taxonomic range of bird species. I am a professor at the Department of Limnology, University of Pannonia, Hungary and the leader of a joint research group of UP and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Personal website
by Martin Muir | Jan 30, 2018
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